
Archive for July, 2010

Does it get better?

31/07/2010 Leave a comment

the title of this may sound like I am going to whine and complain now…FALSE!!!!

I started my official 10-miler training today. I joined a group through Fleet Feet, the running store in my neighborhood. I ran THREE AND A HALF miles today! ZOMG!!!!!! and I actually ran most of it, only stopping to walk about 4 times. Yes, I was in the slowest group, but who cares???? I have never run that far at one time EVER!!!!

Back to my title question….I am so freaking tired and hungry after runs that are 3 miles and more (my two 5Ks and today). It must get better or else people wouldn’t run long distances, right?

All I want to do right now is sleep and eat, but Hope (J’s mom) will be here soon and I am off to a museum or two with her and then I need to pack for the trip. We are off as soon as J gets home from work tonight/tomorrow. So excited!!!!! Portland and Voodoo Donuts, here I come!!!!

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31/07/2010 Leave a comment

woohoo!  i can finally see/feel a difference because of my efforts. According to the scale, I am down FIVE pounds!!!! I have continued to ramp up my workouts and had an amazing one today (more in next post). I have worked to decrease dairy and alcohol and stepped up the fruits and veggies.

I think journaling my food was a huge helper. The calorie count may not be perfect, but seeing what exactly I ate makes a world of difference.

Hope I can keep this up on my road trip across America next week!!!! Recap when I return unless I can figure out how to post from my blackberry

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Being honest

26/07/2010 Leave a comment

so today I realized my 31st birthday is  a mere 14.5 weeks away and I have yet to lose a single pound (in fact, I think I have gained…ok, I KNOW I have gained…le sigh). So I finally put the number out there. I want to lose (at least) 30 pounds. I haven’t wanted to admit how much I really want/need to lose, but it is time.

How am I going to do this? I have no earthly idea. I need to develop some will power, that is for sure. I love food way too much. Sure I work out plenty, but it does not good if i “reward” myself with Burger King afterwards. SO here is what I am going to attempt…again, with a few changes. I do not do well removing things from my diet completely, so let’s just not try that again.

1. Limited dairy

2. Limited alcohol

3. Increased fruits and veggies

4. Yoga 2-3 times a week

5. Strength training 2 times a week

6. Running 3-5 times a week

Those are the big ones I can think of off the top of my head. Let’s see how it goes.

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Getting Healthy, Part Deux

14/07/2010 Leave a comment

ok, so fitness bingo has really been the kick in the pants I clearly needed. I have already marked off 6 of the 24 (since I know I cannot get that 25th one, why even count it?) in just three days and I may get a seventh in at lunch if I can sneak downstairs. Tomorrow I should be able to get three (maybe four, if I go again today) more marked off. I REALLY want to get all 24 done. I would be really proud and hopefully it will carry over!

I told my trainer that she needs to create some sort of contest for me all the time! I am so much more motivated when I can win something!

So, what’s been checked off?

1. Eat a healthy breakfast

2. 30 minutes of cardio x 2

3. Body Composition Check (I don’t wanna talk about it, but it was another kick in the ass to motivate)

4. Core and More class

5. Cardio Cycle class

If I go today, I will knock off either 30 minutes of strength or Body Shop/Abs class (depends on which one I pick to cross off). Tomorrow is 30 minutes of strength (once or twice depending on what happens today) and then Body Shop in the evening and a blood pressure check. Friday is a run.

So if all goes according to plan, I will be halfway there by the end of the week! woot!!!!

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Getting healthy

12/07/2010 Leave a comment

take 100 i think….le sigh

Today marks the start of Fitness Bingo downstairs in the gym. I hope to mark off somewhere between 20 and 24 of the squares.

Summer Fitness Bingo Sheet (I tried to add a picture, but that didn’t seem to work…hopefully the link will show you the bingo card. Source, my gym) 

I know I will not get my Resting Metabolic Rate screened because it is $25 and I will probably miss out on “Try A New Class” because I thought one of the specialty classes was tomorrow and it was today. I don’t think they will give me two squares for one class, but I will certainly ask!!!

As for the give up something unhealthy for a week, the one I will tell the gym is no soda (I miss it already!), but I also plan to cut out booze for the two weeks and also greatly decrease my dairy intake.

My workout schedule has been ramped up as well. I hope to knock out 15 workouts during the next two weeks (weekends excluded). It is VERY ambitious, but I think I can do it!

I am going to weigh in today and then weigh in again after bingo comes to an end. I hope I see/feel some results.

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It was a good weekend…

12/07/2010 Leave a comment

And I accomplished a lot on my list!

1. Girls night – Gaga/Madonna/MIA dance party with Jes

2. Family time – went to see the beebees (and JC, Tara and mom)

3. Dupont Farmer’s Market

4. Brunch at the Reef/Date with Josh (that was three in one because I had never eaten there before)

And I got some good rest and relaxation in as well.

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OMG! I think I found the cure!

09/07/2010 Leave a comment

I had the best night sleep I have had in weeks (maybe months last night. J and I went to a 90 minute yoga class. That may have played a part in the good sleep, but I am pretty sure it was actually the post-yoga chimichanga. Om, nom, nom!!!!!

Last night was the first time I did not hate yoga. This does not mean I like it, but maybe I will…someday. I was really proud of J. For someone who may not be in the best shape and has never done yoga, he did really, really well. We have three more sessions and then I plan to try a few places in our neighborhood. Wonder if I can convince him to join me….

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Independence Day 2010

06/07/2010 Leave a comment

I thought it was time for a change of subject…don’t worry, we will be back to my insomnia soon enough!

This weekend was Independence Day. Overall, it was a pretty great weekend, aside from my nervous breakdown on Friday (more to come one that later…maybe). Saturday I have to come into work for a few hours, but I spent the rest fo the day being very lazy. It was magnificent.

Sunday was the Fourth of July. J and I went to the baseball game with some friends because nothing is more American than baseball and beer! It was so hot out we had to leave after the sixth inning though. We went home and relaxed for a few hours and then went over to a local high school that has a great view of the fireworks.

J and I at Nats Stadium

Slightly obstructed view of the fireworks

Monday was a thankfully a day off, but it was still exhausting. I went out for a run (my personal best in a no race setting, WOOT!). Then I took a short nap before hitting the grocery store. It was so hot out by then that drained me. I did manage to be rather productive around the house. And then it was taco night!!!!! Taco night is the best night of the week. Sadly, it had been over a month since we had one. I am officially bringing weekly taco night back right now!

and now it is back to work….le sigh

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missing my window

02/07/2010 Leave a comment

I swear I will talk about something other than my insomnia soon. last night I realized I definitely have a widow of opportunity when it comes to falling asleep and if I miss it, I am screwed. I need to move to my bed as soon as I start dozing off on the couch. SYTYCD is on my DVR; I can finish it later!!!! So, yea…another restless night.

As for my other goals for this week, I have failed at some, succeeded at others:

1. no alcohol…minor fail; had some cocktails with J on Wednesday. I slept great that night though!

2. no caffeine….only three sodas in five days, better than 10!

3. no dairy…i have not had cheese in five days. It is killing me!!!!

4. in bed by 10:30…pretty much a success; it was 10:37 last night

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